What is a piezo buzzer?
A buzzer is a piezoelectric element that can be used as a “loudspeaker” and produce tones.
What is the difference between the active and passive piezo buzzer?
Active buzzers have an in-built oscillator that produce a fixed tone frequency. The active piezo buzzer is therefore very easy to use, only connect to a voltage source.
A passive piezo buzzer cannot produce sound directly. It requires an oscillator that produces an alternating voltage (AC) with a frequency of about 0.5-4 kHz in order to produce sound. Therefore, the passive buzzer can produce different tones based on the frequency of the input signal. The passive busser will produce the loudest sound with the least input power at its resonant frequency. Outside its resonant range, the sound volume drops. Passive piezo elements can be used both to convert AC voltage into vibration (sound) or vice versa to convert vibration into voltage. Simple knock sensors or microphones can be created with a piezo element.